Kishu Associates


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Plot 1620, Bock 206 Kizanyiro Road Kampala Uganda

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+256393 280459



The 21st Century is seeing an unprecedented rate of change in how businesses are run and of the environment they operate in. The advent of social media creates numerous opportunities like new marketing channels, and threats such as potentially damaging customer feedback. Recruitment methods are changing to sourcing people that share the Company’s values and purpose rather than a singular focus on qualifications and experience. There is a general shift to outsourcing of support processes to enhance concentration on the core business processes of the company. The increased rapid changes in technology call for innovation to be adopted as a culture and not an event. The use of cloud-based internet applications and virtual work places presents new efficiency opportunities matched by cyber security threats that companies have not been exposed to in the past. The need for operational efficiencies to post a healthy bottom-line is a frequent call from many a Governing Board.

Appreciating these realities, KISHU Associates works with Companies by:

  1. Guiding the development of Business Plans with innovative models designed to not only chart the turbulent waves but to thrive.
  2. Applying unconventional recruitment methods to identify talent that are a right fit for the company.
    Facilitating Management Development Programmes aimed at closing out capacity gaps identified within individuals in Middle and Senior Management teams.
  3. Conducting Business Process Analyses with a view to eliminating duplications that lead to inefficiencies, embedding key omitted activities/controls and automating, as required.
  4. Conducting comprehensive Information Security/System Audits to give assurance of the strength Information Technology General Controls in enhancing security.