Kishu Associates


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Plot 1620, Bock 206 Kizanyiro Road Kampala Uganda

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+256393 280459


At least 79.5 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. Among them are nearly 26 million refugees, around half of whom are under the age of 18.
There are also millions of stateless people, who have been denied a nationality and lack access to basic rights such as education, health care, employment and freedom of movement.
At a time when 1 per cent of the world’s population have fled their homes as a result of conflict or persecution.

Disasters and climate change are a growing concern. Since 2009, an estimated one person every second has been displaced by a disaster, with an average of 22.5 million people displaced by climate or weather-related events since 2008 (GRID 2018).

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN’s science advisory board, projects an increase in the number of displaced over the course of this century. The majority of the people of concern to UNHCR are concentrated in the most vulnerable areas around the world. Climate change will force people into increasing poverty and displacement, exacerbating the factors that lead to conflict, rendering both the humanitarian needs and responses in such situations even more complex.

At KISHU we are deeply concerned about the massive protection challenges raised by conflict or persecution, disasters and climate-related related displacement, and work with other agencies and a range of partners to protect those at risk in the sector through: Humanitarian Relief Support, Conflict Resolution and Management, Disaster and Risk Management, Disaster Relief and Emergency Capacity Building, Research and Advocacy, Emergency Monitoring and response, among others.