Kishu Associates


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Rural and Urban Development

What are the Urban-Rural Linkages?

In Uganda Rural and urban areas are interdependent, which holds importance to their respective development in social and economic spheres. These linkages play a crucial role in national development through bi-directional flows of goods and services, information, people, and technology. The development of urban areas is highly dependent on the development of the nearby rural areas. Urban development in isolation would be unthinkable if the rural areas are neglected physically, socially, and environmentally. For this reason, rural development should be the main agenda in planning for the development of Uganda in general and urban development in particular. Urban development in itself is important for rural development, particularly in the context of an underdeveloped economy like Uganda. Mutual benefits are possible for both, but in general, rural development is the precondition for urban development. The way forward is to appreciate that urban-rural linkages are an important tool in the long-term vision of equitable and holistic development and the effort requires a balanced approach considering their different economic, social, and environmental requirements. Urban-rural linkage can provide the rationale to identify the need for changes in policy interventions in the following areas:
Urban-rural linkage can provide the rationale to identify the need for changes in policy interventions in the following areas:
  • Demographic linkage,
  • Economic transaction and innovative activity,
  • Delivery of public services,
  • Exchange in amenities and environmental goods, and
  • Multi-level governance interactions.
Under this business area KISHU Associates looks at factors that lead to the Rural-Urban Gap? The factors that lead to the rural-urban development divide can be outlined as follows:
  • Limited investment in rural areas
  • Lack of vision in rural development policies or a compartmentalized approach
  • Limited access to urban markets
  • Shrinking demography
  • Social issues
  • Lack of basic infrastructure